Tenders won:

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Development of production and service capacities of non-agricultural micro-companies.

Code: VP6-19.2.1.-69-8.1.5-17
Our company received 3.57 million HUF non-refundable grant for warehouse insulation.

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GINPO-4.1.3-19- Solar panel system installation support for micro, small and medium sized enterprises.
Öko-Grill Kft. 9749 Nemesbod, Ady Endre Str. 25, GINOP - 4.1.3-19-2019-00274 identification number, Öko-Grill Kft., was given a non-refundable grant for solar system installation. The total cost of the development was 2.926.253 HUF, and the grant received was 2,052,000 HUF. The intensity of the project was 100%. The installation of the solar panel system has been completed, a total of 10.26 kWp nominal power system has been installed. The physical and financial closure of the project and the commissioning of the system took place on 12.05.2019. The permits required for the operation of the system are available, the solar system works continuously, thus reducing the total energy consumption and CO emissions of Öko-Grill Kft.'s buildings to almost zero.

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ÖKO-GRILL Trading and Services Ltd. 28.03.2021 submitted an application for energy improvements aimed at the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency announced by the Ministry of Finance. The title of the project is: "Installation of a 20 kW solar panel system at the site of Öko-Grill Kft". The total eligible cost of the project is 6 940 080 HUF, the non-refundable grant received was 3,817,044 HUF. The starting date of the project was 05/03/2021, and the planned completion date was 10/29/2021. The project was completed by the deadline. The solar system was installed, it was put into operation. The final report and settlement of the tender has been submitted.

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Development of production and service capacities of non-agricultural micro-enterprises.

Code: VP6-19.2.1.-69-8.1.5-17

A Vidékfejlesztési Program keretében a Pannon Térségfejlesztő Egyesület területére meghirdetett VP6-19.2.1-69-8.1.5-17 kódszámú „Nem mezőgazdasági mikrovállalkozások termelési és szolgáltatási kapacitásainak fejlesztése” című felhívásra az ÖKO-GRILL Kft támogatási kérelmet nyújtott be, melyet a Program Irányitó Hatósága támogatásra alkalmasnak minősített. A támogatói döntésben 14.713.794 Ft vissza nem térítendő támogatás került megítélésre, 16.083.271 Ft önerő és 29.427.590 Ft elszámolható összköltség mellett. A támogatás csekély összegű (de minimis) támogatásnak minősül. A pályázat költségvetése raktárépület építését, út és parkoló építését, valamint eszközbeszerzést tartalmazott. Valamennyi tervezett építési jellegű fejlesztés az elvárt műszaki tartalommal és minőségben maradéktalanul megvalósult. Az eszközbeszerzés során a tervezett darabszámú és típusú ital automata beszerzése megtörtént. Valamennyi beruházási szállító kifizetése határidőben megtörtént. A pályázat záró elszámolása/kifizetési igénylése benyújtásra került. A projekt megvalósítása során határidő módosításra és költség átcsoportosításra került sor, melyet a Támogató a benyújtott változásbejelentések alapján jóváhagyott. A pályázat sikeresen befejeződött, a fejlesztés hozzájárul az ÖKO-GRILL Kft további fejlődéséhez, növekedéséhez és eredményességéhez.

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The head of the Economic Development Programs Managing Authority deemed the grant application with the identification number GINOP-1.2.9-20-2021-04223, titled "Comprehensive development at the site of ÖKO-GRILL Kft. in Nemesbőd" submitted by ÖKO-GRILL Kft. eligible for a reduced support of HUF 6,832,000 from the Support System of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program. The decision was made on January 12, 2022.
The grant application included equipment purchases with a 70% support intensity. The total cost of the grant application was HUF 9,760,000. The location of the implementation was Nemesbőd, Ady E. u. 23; it started on January 3, 2022 and ended

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Loan facility with the code GINOP-8.3.5-18, "B" loan target (HUF 25 million loan facility)
Öko-Grill Kft (Nemesbőd) applied for the "Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Technological Modernization Loan Program" "B" loan target on June 27, 2022. The aim of the Loan Program was to finance inventory purchases and operational costs necessary for the uninterrupted liquid operation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on the application, Öko-Grill Kft received a discounted loan facility of HUF 25 million, which was used for strategic inventory purchases. The utilization of the loan facility was completed by October 2022, and the settlement of the utilization was submitted in October 2022. The requested and received loan facility must be repaid in equal installments, interest-free, over 60 months. By using the loan facility, the Kft obtained cheap funding, thereby improving the profitability, revenue and market recognition of the Kft.

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Loan facility with the code GINOP-8.3.5-18, "B" loan target (HUF 80 million loan facility)
Öko-Grill Kft (Nemesbőd) applied for the "Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Technological Modernization Loan Program" "B" loan target on June 27, 2022. The aim of the Loan Program was to finance inventory purchases and operational costs necessary for the uninterrupted liquid operation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on the application, Öko-Grill Kft received a discounted loan facility of HUF 25 million, which was used for strategic inventory purchases. The utilization of the loan facility was completed by October 2022, and the settlement of the utilization was submitted in October 2022. The requested and received loan facility must be repaid in equal installments, interest-free, over 60 months. By using the loan facility, the Kft obtained cheap funding, thereby improving the profitability, revenue and market recognition of the Kft.

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